how it works

During the evening sessions, the Tutor will work with your student and a programme of study will be developed to address areas where improvements can be made and confidence built.
Most students attend one session per week. However, it is not unusual for some children to attend double
sessions or two sessions per week.
Tutors work with your child to improve their skills and develop a positive attitude which will help them to
accept mistakes as positive lessons and undertake challenges with relish.
The education centre is a hub for learning where children are liberated from the regular pressures that they may experience in school and are motivated to work alongside other children whilst focusing on their own individual work.
There is an atmosphere of mutual support and understanding and the expectation that all children will succeed.
In this environment, each student can work at their own level with clear goals to help them progress. All efforts are praised and rewarded and this has immediate positive results
Our day time offer for home schooled children, or for students that need extra support is bespoke and based on students needs. Our day time offer provides an element of pastoral and well being care.
Sessions take place in small groups where each student follows their own individual learning programme.
Work is set at a level appropriate to each child's abilities and we ensure a learning progression at a pace appropriate to each student.
We ensure that no child becomes overwhelmed by emphasising the positive aspects of every child's capabilities. Often it is the case that student's confidence levels need boosting before they can thrive.
At the end of every session your child's progress is evaluated and their next session planned appropriately.
Regular attendance is essential if your child is to progress.
Payment must be made for your booked session regardless of illness, holidays or school events.
However, we are happy to make up your session at a convenient time if you give us notice.
When you wish to conclude your child’s tuition at The Learning Room, we would ask that you give us a minimum of 2 weeks notice.
Attendance is not required during the school holidays.
Homework can be set at the end of each session.
We suggest that each student completes a small task for homework if appropriate.
This is not compulsory and can be discussed each session.
We would like to keep you updated on your child’s progress so feel free to pop in before or after the session to check how they are doing.
If you have any concerns about something your child is learning at school and want us to re-cap it for them let us know.
Please do not hesitate to phone/email us with any enquiries about your child’s progress at The Learning Room.
Fees are £30 for an 80-minute session.
We are Ofsted registered so we can accept payment by childcare vouchers and parents claiming working tax credits can claim for tuition fees. You can pay by cash, cheque, childcare vouchers, on line or BACS.
All payments are requested on the 1st of each month.
Discounts available for mutliple sessions and termly payments.
We invoice on monthly basis and we ask that invoices are paid by the 7th of each month.
We understand that life is busy and so any missed sessions can be made up, we do not refund any missed sessions.
We ask that a months notice is given should you choose to the leave the Learning Room.